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What Type of Memoir Are You Writing?

When we dive into the depths of Google searching for memoir answers, it often feels like we emerge with more questions than we started with. Lately, one question that keeps cropping up is about the different types of memoirs. It’s

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How to Publish Your Memoir

Congratulations on completing your memoir! It’s an incredible achievement, and you should be proud of reaching this milestone. However, the journey to publishing your memoir can seem daunting with so many questions and uncertainties. Fear not! In this article, I’ll

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How to Talk to Family About Your Memoir

Writing a memoir is a deeply personal journey, one that often involves revisiting pivotal moments and sharing intimate details of one’s life. While this process can be cathartic and empowering, it also presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to

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Should You Write Your Memoir as Fiction

Lately, I’ve been getting a recurring question popping up more frequently than ever before: “Is it okay to write my memoir as fiction?” It’s a valid concern, and there are a lot of factors to consider when making this decision.

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