Your book will change

the world.

We’ll help you write it.

You know your story is powerful,
but you don’t know how to write it
(or edit it… or design it… or publish it).

We love powerful stories, and we’ve got decades of experience transforming them into world-changing books.

Sounds like a match made in heaven!

Collage of images of Amanda Edgar in a Zoom discussion and at various social justice marches.
Page and Podium started with a story.

Lots of stories, actually.

Amanda Nell Edgar always loved telling stories. As a kid, she scrawled them in books of wallpaper samples that her grandmother scavenged from home supply stores. After college, she took to the stage, telling stories to rural children as part of a grant-funded theatre program. Finally, she became a social movement historian, documenting the stories behind groups like Black Lives Matter.

Those were the stories that lit the spark for Page & Podium Press.

The stories of ordinary people who overcame the odds 

The stories of leaders who spoke out against injustice, no matter the cost

The stories of communities who built something beautiful from the ashes of trauma

These stories weren’t just interesting.

These stories moved people.

As a social movement historian, Amanda published dozens of stories in academic journals and books, but always under her own name.

Then, a community leader reached out for help. He knew his story was powerful. He knew it could help people if it were told the right way. 

He wanted to write a book. But he just wasn’t a writer.

She was.

Amanda knew how to draw out people’s most vulnerable stories—

she’d been doing it for years.

She knew how to write an engaging narrative—

she’d won numerous awards for her books and articles.

Most importantly, she knew what it meant to fight for social change. She’d spent countless afternoons in the sun, rain, and snow holding signs, leading chants, and bearing witness to injustice.

When that first leader held his memoir in his hands, Amanda finally understood her purpose. If she could help visionary leaders—like you—tell their stories, she could change the world one reader at a time.

So she founded a new kind of publishing company—
one that helps leaders like you leverage the
world-changing power of books.

That company is Page & Podium Press.

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Your book industry accomplices

At Page & Podium, our mission is to help you publish a book that inspires others.

You probably aren’t sure how you’ll get there.
You might not even know how to communicate your message effectively.

But you know your story could be powerful, and you know others need it.

Hold on to that conviction, and we’ll take care of the rest.

After all, we’ve staked our reputation on a simple promise:
we’ll help you tell your story in your voice according to your vision.

In simpler terms, your book isn’t about us. It’s about you.

“You were able to capture my point of view as well as speak in my tone throughout the book. [My wife and I] are amazed and I cannot wait to have it in my hand.”

—J.L., Psy.D.,

Mental health professional specializing in Black men’s healthcare and prison reentry counseling

“We never imagined how well Amanda would capture our voices, provide insights to our process, and produce such a fantastic manuscript to showcase how we do what we do.”

—E.P., MBA & J.R., MBA,

Career consultants who founded a seven-figure business helping people find new careers after burnout

“Just finished Amanda, speechless! A roller coaster of emotional events, my life, and you’ve captured it! It’s like you were there. The words you use is what I was thinking at the time and words the people in my life would’ve said.”

—Victor James Hill, 

Community leader who built two massive youth programs in his Detroit neighborhood’s housing projects

“The way that you seem to be able to ‘speak’ like my dad is just amazing. I am so glad that the opportunity to tell Walter’s story has happened, and that the family will have his legacy to hold on to once he is gone.”

—Steve Dechant, 

Mayor and son of a major Western Kansas oil developer

Page and Podium's publishing support team stands in the corner of a room lined with bookshelves.

Your Behind-The-Scenes Team

No matter who writes it—no matter how much help you get—your book is yours.

Something amazing happens when you hold your book in your hands. When you share your experiences with thousands of people. When you articulate your message with bold, fearless confidence. 

We’ve seen it again and again—people who once shrugged and said, “I’m just not a writer,” suddenly step into their role as a published author.

That kind of transformation deserves
some serious celebration!

That’s why we always have celebratory champagne chilling in the fridge.

As the pre-orders roll in, we toast!

Land your first paid speaking gig? Cheers!

And when you get that first email—the one from the person who reminds you so much of yourself, the person who needed that story to keep going—we happy cry right along with you.

That’s what community is all about.

Speaking of community, come join ours!

Write for You

Tell us your story, and we’ll take it from there. 

Our done-for-you program makes it feel like your book is writing itself!

Be the Editor in Your Pocket

If you know you want to write your book yourself–you just need support–

check out the Editor in Your Pocket one-on-one coaching program (with editing!)

Teach You Our Methods

Looking for self-paced learning and community support?

The Memoir Method gives you control, community support, and group access to the pros

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