A writing experience that feels like a Sunday book club

(BYO mimosas!)

When you first imagined writing a book, it sounded amazing. You’d hunker down in a quiet corner of your favorite coffee shop. Words would splash across the screen as you sipped a chai latte (extra espresso shot, please!).

Letter by letter, your story would pour out onto the screen.

Every struggle. Every triumph. Every lesson.

The experience seemed dreamy.

But when you go it alone, writing your first book can feel more like a nightmare.

If you’re a first-time author, you need a knowledgeable, encouraging community to help you finish your book.

With the right support, you can:

Step into your role as a published author, confident your story will feel authentically, powerfully you
Develop the clarity and focus to write your memoir with ease so you can reclaim the joy of sharing your life story
Fully embrace the title of “published author,” knowing you worked hard and accomplished something very few people achieve
Organize your story for maximum impact, so your words not only inspire people, but move them to action
Land a literary agent or publisher who really gets what you’re trying to do, one that’s as excited as you are to get your book into the world
Build a powerful platform that has readers impatiently waiting for your book to drop so they can leave rave reviews and spread the word to everyone they know

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Most people underestimate the help they’ll need to accomplish their writing goals.

Without the right support, writing your first book can be downright demoralizing.

Instead of your fingers flying across the keys with confidence and purpose, the blinking cursor just taunts you. You type a little. Delete it. Type a little more. Delete that, too.

All those negative vibes just make the task seem even more daunting, so you procrastinate…which only makes you feel even more insecure.

And when you finally find time to write, you can’t seem to focus.

You’d rather scrub your bathroom with a toothbrush—or scroll TikTok or rearrange the trinkets on your desk—than continue to stare at that blank document for one. More. Second.

Deep down, you know you need help. So you dive down the Google rabbit hole with questions.

Lots and lots of questions.

Over-the-shoulder image of a laptop with a journal and pen sitting on the table next to it.

What’s the difference between traditional and hybrid publishing?

How to do you make scenes come to life?

When should you use flashbacks?

Is it okay to start with your childhood, or does that make it an autobiography?

Should you use a template, or is that cheating?

Do you need a proposal and a query? Why?

It’s enough to make you slam your laptop closed forever.

Why is writing a book so hard?!

The answer comes down to


Your entire life, you’ve been a good student. That includes carrying the dead weight of way too many group projects.

So you got used to doing things alone.

For years, that strategy worked pretty well! You easily scored As on your English class papers, and your teachers praised you for being a strong writer and a creative thinker!

But English class isn’t the real world.

Out here, only 3% of people who start writing books actually finish them. And only 20% of those finished manuscripts ever see the light of day.

What do those elite 0.06% know that you don’t?

They have one thing in common: they got help. Tons of help.

I know, because I’m one of them.

Amanda Edgar, facilitator of Page & Podium memoir writing courses, smiles and leans forward in a chair.

I’m Amanda Nell Edgar.

I’ve authored three traditionally published books of my own plus dozens of books for other authors.

And every single one was a team effort. To make sure those books were the best they could be—to make sure they got rave reviews—their authors assembled dream teams.

They joined writing groups.

They bounced ideas off coworkers and friends.

They worked with editors and proofreaders.

They got detailed feedback from experts and implemented (almost) every suggestion.

They pitched themselves for public talks and media interviews.

And then, of course, their publishers brought in teams of design and marketing professionals to bring it on home.

It takes a village to publish a book.

That’s why I created The Memoir Method, the only group program designed specifically to provide the support, guidance, and community you need to finish that book—and get it into the hands of the readers who need it!

A simple, supportive framework to
accelerate your memoir

When you join The Memoir Method, you’ll get:

Illustrated icon of a navy speech bubble surrounded by three gold-colored heads.

Consistent support from book industry professionals

No more guesswork. No more Googling. Just real, proven advice.

Illustrated icon of a book cover, magnifying glass, video play button, and page of text.

Concrete, actionable lessons

If you love a template, you’ve come to the right place! The Memoir Method is packed with worksheets, video tutorials, and templates for every stage of your publishing journey.

Illustrated icon of three smiling people in front of open books.

A curated community of women just like you

When we work together toward the same shared goals—to write your story, to help your readers, to publish your best-selling book—nothing is impossible!

Illustrated icon of a navy blue banner with a white heart in the center.

Encouraging accountability

Everything we do is infused with encouragement and joy. Because without kindness, accountability is just intimidation.

Linework illustration of a person at a podium with a gold speech bubble next to their head


University professor and political organizer

I felt stuck and unable to synthesize all of my ideas into a coherent book.

With your help, I finally finished the darned thing! It is under review and I feel a thousand times lighter.

I really appreciate that you’re a holistic coach. You fixed the mechanics of my writing, clarified my conceptual mud, and coached me through the emotional difficulty of writing a book. When we finished I had an amazing product and you left me so many practical skills, like how to be better at word processing to boot.

Go from memories to marketable memoir in just nine months

Your goals are your
North Star, but here are the results some of our clients have achieved:

Red check mark in a blue circle

Organize your story for impact

You’ll learn how to take the moving parts and pieces of your memory and assemble them into a book that wows readers—including agents and editors

Red check mark in a blue circle

Conquer writer’s block once and for all

We want you to develop strategies that work for you, so you’ll leave with more than just a memoir: you’ll have the skills you need to rediscover the joy of writing

Red check mark in a blue circle

Craft a proposal that makes agents swoon

If you want an amazing book deal, you need an amazing proposal. The Memoir Method emphasizes marketable memoirs so you’ll be all set to sign with your dream agent if that’s the path you choose

Red check mark in a blue circle

Build a marketing strategy that reaches readers

Set yourself up to sell more copies than you’ve ever dreamed, plus use your growing platform to reach the people who need your message

Red check mark in a blue circle

Publish a book that gets attention

Level up your thought leadership so your story—and your message—gets featured in the media

Linework illustration of a person at a podium with a gold speech bubble next to their head


Retired actress and spokesmodel

I was buried in a mountain of words and themes I had written but couldn’t figure out how to format it all. I had common themes I wanted to present but couldn’t find my way through the weeds.

Amanda was very warm and attentive and I felt like she was able to guide me to a satisfying experience. She helped me make sense, organize and rewrite the entirety of the manuscript.

Now, my book is being published!

Anyone who has a story that they are passionate about telling but doesn’t quite know how to map it out is a great fit for Amanda. She was very helpful in affirming the directions I wanted to go.

For aspiring authors who want their memoirs to make a difference

The program is perfect for you if you’re:

Invested in social change

We’re a values-based business, and our authors want to change the world


The best way to stay motivated is to remember your “why”—and that works best when your end goal is helping others

Motivated and determined

The Memoir Method will give you the tools and trainings you need to write this book, but you’ve still got a lot of work ahead of you

A proficient writer

Books can be a beast, but the ideal Memoir Method member is confident about their ability to write shorter projects like blog posts and professional emails

Curious about the book industry

Success is easiest when you’re excited to learn the tools of the trade


You don’t have to be an extrovert (I’m certainly not!), but you do need to be comfortable sharing in groups and offering kind, uplifting support to other members

This program is perfect for those who are self-driven and able to stick to deadlines without a ton of prompting.

If you know you need one-on-one support to succeed, check out our Editor in Your Pocket program. It’s available as a stand-alone service or as an upgrade to The Memoir Method.

A peek inside The Memoir Method

When you grab your seat in The Memoir Method, you’ll get:

A one-on-one kick-off call to set you up for success

(a $250 value)

Personalized session to make sure you get the most out of the Memoir Method program

Weekly group calls to ask questions and get industry-insider advice

(a $2,575 value)

Get answers to your questions every single week, so you never get stalled wondering what to do next

A private podcast feed with group call recordings

(a $90 value)

Recordings of our group calls straight to your earbuds, so you never miss a helpful piece of advice

Resource modules with templates and worksheets covering each of the four stages of publishing

(a $3,750 value)

Detailed resources to help you with pre-writing, writing, publishing, and marketing, so you can build momentum on your own time, on your own terms

Networking and peer support

(a $1,000 value)

A curated group of supportive memoir writers so you can build relationships and network with other women who are going through the exact same things you are

Weekly accountability

(a $1,125 value)

A once-a-week check-in form to keep yourself on track and let us know where you need support

Each seat in The Memoir Method is worth $8,790.

But you pay only $3,187,

or 9 monthly payments of $425

Plus, these bonuses make sure you have the support you need, even after you complete the program

20% off additional one-on-one sessions throughout the program

If you need a little more attention to get unstuck

10% off additional
done-for-your services

If you decide you’d rather just offload some of the work to our team

Lifetime access to all Page & Podium webinars, master classes, and happy hours

Because we hope you’ll stay in touch so we can celebrate every win along your journey!

Make this the year your story changes the world.

Apply for The Memoir Method today.


Yes! While we love working with men in our other services, we believe a women-only group works better for this type of program. We happily welcome cis and trans women as well as nonbinary people into the Memoir Method program.

Nope. We are a values-based press, and we don’t believe it’s possible for personal stories to be apolitical.


Group sessions are held every Tuesday at 12pm CST.

If you’re not able to attend live, you can still submit a question to be answered. You’ll have access to a podcast feed with all session recordings so you can participate asynchronously.

Yes and no. The program is designed for beginning book writers, but you’ll need to feel confident in your ability to write shorter pieces like blog posts or professional emails first. Unfortunately, we can’t offer basic writing instruction.

Yes! If you’re highly motivated and give yourself plenty of time during the program, this is an ambitious but achievable goal.

More realistically, you’ll walk away with a fully drafted manuscript and a plan for publishing, whether you choose to write a book proposal and query letter or prep for self-publishing.

Either way, you’ll have the tools and momentum you need to get your manuscript published after the program ends.

Of course! Amanda hosts most weekly strategy sessions and checks in with the group every single week. In addition, you’ll have access to our other writers and editors who each bring their own specialties to the table.

Yes. You can access the podcast feed either through a podcast app or in your browser.

The weekly calls are a great opportunity to get to know others in the group, and we also encourage you to reach out to one another to set up one-on-one or smaller group support sessions.

We offer new and/or refresher trainings every quarter.

Yep! You can book a call directly through Calendly. As a Memoir Method member, you’ll get 20% off our regular hourly session fee of $250.

Maybe. While the Memoir Method includes resources on traditional and self-publishing as well as book marketing strategy, our focus is on helping people organize their ideas for a new memoir. If you’ve already got a full manuscript—and you’re confident about its organization and structure—we probably have an offer that will be a better fit. Reach out through our contact form, and we’ll figure out which approach makes the most sense for your specific situation.

We do! If you’d like weekly one-on-one sessions in addition to the Memoir Method group support, just let us know in your application. For a total investment of $7,499 or $950/mo, you’ll get The Memoir Method plus everything that’s included in the Editor in Your Pocket program.

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