Publish a Life-Changing Book Without Writing a Word

Imagine you could:

Step into the authority of a published author who advocates for change—and actually makes it happen
Increase visibility for yourself, your business, your community, and your cause and grow your impact exponentially
Help people who struggle with the same things you did, so the most difficult times in your life have real meaning
Build instant credibility with thousands of potential followers, clients, and advocates, and effortlessly invite them into your community
Publish a best-selling book that builds your platform and helps you create positive, lasting change in the world
Show your community’s children what’s possible if they just believe in themselves
Build passive income—and leverage for paid speaking gigs—through the authentic, genuine connection of your story
Become a voice for change and leave the world better than you found it

And, most importantly…

Stop promising yourself that you’ll write that book someday and say goodbye to the nagging feeling that “someday” might never come

Those things might sound too good to be true.

But they all fall into place when you finally publish your book.

We know, because we’ve seen it happen.

“Okay, but I’m just not a writer.”

We get it. The truth is, it takes years—sometimes decades—to build the training, experience, and stamina to write a book you’d be proud to publish.

That leaves you with two choices: put your life on hold and enroll in a creative writing program. After five years and thousands in tuition, you might be ready to write.

Or you could hire a writer.

On first glance, neither option seems particularly appealing.

Obviously, you can’t spend years learning to write.

But it seems impossible that a stranger could ever understand your story the way you do, let alone write it in your voice.

So you push the project to the backburner.

Meanwhile, the loudest voices in your community continue to appear on keynote stages, television talk shows, podcasts, and news programs. They’re using their authority to actually change the world, while you’re wondering how they got to where they are.

What do they know that you don’t know?

The answer is the publishing industry’s best-kept secret: most of those authors don’t write their books themselves. They work with ghostwriters who capture their voices and deliver their stories in compelling narratives.

You don’t have to be a writer to become a best-selling author.

In fact, some experts estimate that over 60% of nonfiction books are written by someone other than the author. It’s not a new phenomenon—thought leaders have hired ghostwriters since the earliest days of publishing. Those leaders know they need to get their stories out. So they invest in themselves. They find publishing partners who really get them. And that investment catapults them to where they are today—in bookstores, at major speaking events, and in the minds of their readers.

That’s exactly what we do at Page & Podium.

We listen to what you have to say, and we write your book in your voice, so you can build momentum as a leader. A visionary. An author.

Tracy Houle

—Tracy Houle, RHN

Functional holistic nutritionist and author of Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Healing

I always dreamed of writing a book – like for years! – but never thought I could actually take the time to do it. Page and Podium saved me so much time by simply taking my outline and asking me all the right questions to create a concise way of communicating all my research. I can’t believe how fast they were able to pull this together.

My previous misconceptions were that using a company like this was disingenuous. Like I was a fraud for not writing the words myself. However, I now feel very confident that this book is my voice, with my research, and really me who curated everything I wanted to share with the world. You helped to change my mind by allowing me full control of what goes into the book and allowing my research to come through in my voice.

I knew exactly what was expected of me and what to expect from Page and Podium, there was never any confusion. That relieved so much stress about the work involved and it made me feel like the investment was absolutely worth-while.

If you’ve always dreamed of writing a book but felt like you didn’t know where to start, how to get it done, or how you’d ever find the time to write it – contact Page and Podium!

Leadership memoir ghostwriter Amanda Edgar sits cross-legged in a chair holding a stack of books.

Enter Page & Podium.

I’m Amanda Nell Edgar, the founder of Page & Podium Press. Since I started publishing in 2009, I’ve racked up three of my own traditionally published books, twenty research articles, and dozens of ghostwritten books for our clients.

I hold a PhD in Communication and Media Studies with a focus on cultural storytelling, a doctoral certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies, and a professional certification in Ghostwriting.

All told, I’ve documented over 350 stories in books and published articles.

Those stories matter.

What doesn’t matter is who happened
to write them.

Here’s the thing. When someone needs your story, they don’t care whether you wrote it yourself.

They only care about the hope it gives them. They only care that your book made them feel a little less alone.

Our authors are living proof that you don’t have to be a professional writer to become a world-changing author.

We’ve helped people from all walks of life:

Refugees who built incredible businesses in their new home countries, despite speaking very little English

DEI leaders who escaped the corporate world to rediscover their passion, even though telling their stories reopened old, painful wounds

Community advocates who built high-impact social programs from the ground up, even without a high school diploma

Aspiring politicians who fought for change while working a full-time job with projects on the side

Values-based entrepreneurs who knew their messages were important, but who had very little time or energy to think about a book

None of them were writers. All of them are authors.

To get there, they had to let go of the shame and self-doubt we so often attach to writing. They had to let someone put their voice and vision on the page. They had to step into the spotlight and claim their place at the podium.


Book Program

Your voice. Your vision.  Your book.

When you choose the Write for You book program, you’ll get:

Illustrated diagram of three people connected by lines with a book between them.

Collaborative development

You’ll work with your own managing editor (the general contractor of the publishing industry) to shape your story into a powerful book people actually want to read

A full-length book manuscript written in your voice

Your book will be written in your voice according to your vision, with weekly check-ins to make sure we’re on the right track

Illustration of a pencil writing in a blank book.

Editing professionals to polish your story

Your managing editor will assemble a team to make sure every detail is as it should be

Illustration of an open book inside of a location marker.

Direction from book marketing experts

You’re writing this book because you want people to read it, so we’ll provide promotional materials, trainings, and support to help you get your message into the world

Full control of all rights and permissions

Your story is yours. You’ll maintain all rights, permissions, and authorship credit (while our standard offer does not include a non-disclosure agreement, a full NDA can be included for an additional investment)

Illustration of hand holding pencil and drawing a curvy line.

Support to choose and execute your publishing path

Whether you want a Big 5 traditional book contract, the more intimate experience of publishing with Page & Podium, or the hands-on control of self-publishing, we’ll stick with you until you’re holding that book in your hands

Our Authors Have Been Featured On

Real results from our Write for You Book Program

Land a book deal

In the past year alone, two of our authors secured traditional book contracts and two more signed with New York literary agents

Recoup your investment
(and then some!)

Most authors begin earning money immediately from publishing advances, paid speaking opportunities, launch-related revenue boosts, and book sales (two recent authors saw a 100% return on investment within a year!)

Change people’s lives

Most authors receive personal notes from readers who were deeply inspired by their books

Clarify your message

Many authors find clarity through our development process, so you’ll leave with more than just a book—you’ll have a renewed sense of direction, too

Increase your visibility

Most authors who publish with Page & Podium got multiple media inquiries requesting more information for radio, television, or newspaper coverage

Leave a legacy

When one of our authors passed away last year, his family shared how grateful they were to have his voice and stories preserved

Page & Podium Author Victor James Hill shares his experience publishing The Ignorant Man’s Son

Image of book titled The Ignorant Man's Son, a project of our leadership memoir ghostwriter service.

Your Personal Publishing Team

When you work with Page & Podium, you’re not just hiring a writer. You’re assembling a team of Big 5 publisher-level writing professionals:

A dedicated managing editor with over a decade of publishing experience

A professional editor will help you develop your book’s themes in alignment with your vision and the marketplace

An objective, unbiased polishing team

Once your book is fully drafted, we’ll bring in team members unfamiliar with you and your project; this “cold-eye” process ensures that your book will communicate effectively with your readers

Your own credentialed and experienced writer

Our writers are all certified at the graduate level (including PhDs, MFAs, and Ghostwriting Certifications), and we guarantee you’ll love their work—if you don’t, we’ll revise until you do

A trusted, industry-insider publishing consultant

Based on your goals, message, and preferences, we’ll work with you to develop a publishing plan that makes sense for your book, whether that involves submitting to agents and publishers, publishing through Page & Podium Press, or self-publishing with our support

How it works

The Thought Leader Program:

Months 1-2

You’ll be interviewed for 90-minutes each week, so we can learn your story, your perspective, and your voice

Months 3-7

You’ll receive one chapter per week and meet with your managing editor to determine the necessary revisions

Month 8

You and your managing editor will read your fully revised manuscript to identify overarching changes

Months 9-10

While your manuscript is being professionally polished, we'll prepare your publishing package--either full-service publishing or a book deal querying package are included

With the Thought Leader program, you also get these bonuses to increase your return on investment

Complimentary Publishing Support Services

Our top priority is helping you achieve your vision for your book. That includes publishing. Choose from a book proposal and query support package, full design and production package, or assisted self-publishing.

Marketing Strategy Sessions

Writing and publishing is only half the battle. When you cut corners on marketing, you cut corners on impact. That’s why we include bonus marketing strategy sessions to plan your successful book launch.

How it works

The Changemaker Program:

Weeks 1-6

You’ll be interviewed for 50-minutes each week, so we can learn your story, your perspective, and your voice; you’ll also receive custom journaling prompts that you’ll use to give us more context between sessions

Weeks 7-17

You’ll receive one chapter per week, which you’ll mark up using the tracked changes feature in Google docs (Not sure about the tech? No worries! We’re here to help.)

Week 18-24

While your manuscript is being professionally polished, your marketing expert will prepare your cover design, interior layout, metadata, and copy so you’re ready to hit “publish” as soon as the project wraps!

Join the dozens of authors publishing their books for all the right reasons

The Write for You Book Program is the perfect solution if you:

Just aren’t a writer

You’ve thought about writing your own book. Maybe you even tried. But writing isn’t where you thrive, so you’re ready to hand that aspect over to a professional.

Take your leadership seriously

Whether you’re a community leader, a business leader, a political leader, or a thought leader, you care deeply about helping your community.

Talk the talk and walk the walk

You don’t just talk a big social change game. You’re actually out there trying to make the world a better place.

Understand that books don’t
sell themselves

“If you build it, they will come,” has never worked in books or baseball. That’s okay, because you’re ready to get out there and make sure your story reaches the people who need it most.

Know you have a great story
to tell

While you might not share your story with everyone you meet, you’ve shared enough about your experiences to pique others’ interest. And they want to hear more!

Have worked through the hardest parts of your past

As much as possible, you’ve tried to heal from your past experiences. Some things still hurt, but you’ve done the difficult work of moving on. This book isn’t about naming names—it’s about helping others avoid or understand the trauma you experienced.

Are ready to scale up
your storytelling

You’ve told your story in one-on-one sessions and even in small (or large) presentations, but you’re ready to make your story go international, and you know a book is the best way to do that.

Understand the meaning of
your experiences

Having really reflected on the things you went through, you know your story is more than just a daytime soap. For every dramatic story, you have a word of wisdom that’s just as important.

Value equity and justice

The change you want to create will make the world better. You’re not afraid to call out harmful systems, because you know that’s what it takes to build a more equitable world.

What our authors hear from their readers…

A compelling read, [The Fight You Don’t See] is essential for those seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by candidates, the behind-the-scenes dynamics of running for office, and the unseen forces shaping our elections and politics.

—Dr. James M. Curry, author of Legislating in the Dark: Information and Power in the House of Representatives

All around us we see carbon copies of man-made structures and ideas. We see facades. We rarely see a real person with real issues and real solutions seeking to be better. This is what we see in this story, someone real… The Ignorant Man’s Son is a book for right now and a book for all time. I truly believe that Mr. Hill’s story will impact many for generations to come.

—YouthWorks Detroit

I had the honor of interviewing Gretchen [Norling Holmes, PhD], a 3X cancer survivor on my show. Gretchen is one of the most resilient people I know. This memoir [The Work In Between] is so well told. It takes a deep dive into Gretchen’s story – not just her cancer – but so much more – her addiction to food, her family life, etc… I highly recommend the book.

—Tim Sohn, host of Showing up: Perspectives on Cancer

Oilman is a nostalgic read of the human experiences of one family with common connections shared by those who grew up in small Western Kansas communities… This story weaves a fabric of ordinary lives shaped by hard work and good fun. But the golden thread is family. And so it is for all of us, in the beginning and in the end, family is what matters the most.

—Ellis County Historical Society

Your Toolkit for Launching Your Best-Selling Book

The Thought Leader Package

7 90-minute sessions with a professional interviewer

($1,750 value)

10-hours’ worth of professional transcription

($564 value)

Developmental editing and outline creation

($4,225 value)

200 pages written in your voice

($60,000 value)

Professional copyediting

($2,940 value)

Professional proofreading

($1,800 value)


Choice of full book proposal or publishing package

(up to $24,000 value)


3 Marketing strategy sessions

($750 value)

The Thought Leader Package is valued at $96,029,

but your investment is only $45,547

Pay a $4,555 deposit to hold your working dates, followed by monthly installments on the first of each month of the work period

Or pay in two equal installments after deposit for a 10% savings

The Changemaker Package

Four 60-min interview sessions plus custom email prompts

($775 value)

Professional transcription

($225 value)

Developmental editing and outline creation

($2,025 value)

100 pages written in your voice

($30,000 value)

Professional proofreading

($900 value)

Cover and interior design for paperback and eBook

($1,750 value)

Market research, meta data, and sales copy for online book retailers

($675 value)

Training materials to publish to KDP and IngramSpark

($225 value)

The Changemaker Package is valued at $36,575,

but your investment is
only $16,199

Pay a $1,500 deposit to hold your working dates, followed by two equal installments due at the beginning and middle of the work period

Additional payment plans available at checkout for those who qualify

—Brian Town

CEO of Michigan Creative and author of The Lonely CEO

I have great ideas and know what I want to say, but finding the time to get it all organized into what could be a book was hard. Working with Amanda in the beginning and the questions that she came back with for me to answer were spot on. I felt like, “Hey, maybe I do know a few things…”

In the beginning, I was worried about the process and nervous that the writer wouldn’t capture my voice. I also was concerned that I really didn’t have anything to offer. Amanda was so positive and loved hearing my story. As the first chapters came out, I let them sit for a minute. I was very worried it wouldn’t be anything like me, but they nailed it.

It has been really good to just mention the book to clients, who are all CEOs, and then to give them a link or a book is amazing.

I think it helps that very few people actually finish writing a book, and if I can do that, [potential clients know] I am probably a good fit to help them with their business. Most important, my ten-year-old daughter thinks I am famous. Worth every penny right there.

Your story is your most valuable asset.

You should feel confident putting it in our hands.

We want you to be 100% confident placing your story in our hands, so we offer a 3-month, no-questions-asked cancellation period. If, in the first 90 days of working with us, you decide we aren’t for you, walk away with no further obligations. You’ll have a fully developed outline PLUS transcripts of your stories: cleaned, sorted, organized, and ready to write.

It’s time to step up to the podium and become the leader you were meant to be.

Make sure your story will set you up for success by submitting an application here. If you’re a perfect fit for Page & Podium, we’ll reach out to schedule a free consultation.


Yep! While matching others’ voices isn’t part of a standard writing curriculum, it is part of a standard ghostwriting curriculum. We use the tried-and-true techniques of the field to match your speaking style, so your words on the page match your words from the podium.


The Thought Leader Package includes:

  • Unlimited revisions to refine your content and voice
  • Up to three chapter rewrites (if the style or organization are way off base—these are rare, but we include them just in case!)

The Changemaker Package includes:

  • One round of revisions on your outline
    One round of revisions on the full manuscript

The Thought Leader package includes a book proposal plus custom query letters for six literary agents or publishers we hand select for you.

The Changemaker package is designed for self-publishers, so we don’t recommend adding a book proposal to this package. 

In some circumstances, a stand-alone book proposal is the way to go. That’s part of why we require an application to work with us—we want to make sure everyone who works with us gets exactly the service they need for their project.

If querying with a proposal makes sense for your book, we’ll be happy to create a custom proposal.

The process is very similar to our standard process. The first three months will mirror the Thought Leader Plan. Then, we’ll spend two months preparing your proposal and querying package.

Once you have a signed book contract, you can come back and complete the process.

If you’d prefer to start with a stand-alone proposal, let us know in your application form, and we’ll make it happen!

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question except to say that your options are limited if you don’t have a full manuscript.

If you are very well established in your niche (usually this means a large email list or some level of national recognition) and want to aim for a big, traditional deal, we typically recommend starting with the book contract.

But even in those cases, most authors benefit from working through the full manuscript process. Doing so will give you a clearer sense of your message and purpose, more confidence in your book’s potential for success, and increased options for agents and publishers.

The answers are “no” and “absolutely not”!

Nothing we do at Page & Podium is low quality—we’re known for our meticulous standards and never sacrifice authentic, genuine storytelling to save a buck.

The Thought Leader Package is highly intensive. It includes a longer book, more meetings, plus tons of additional support that may or may not be what you need.

The Changemaker Package has a much shorter timeline and offers an accessible entry point for publishing your first book.

You can’t go wrong with either plan, but if you’re not sure which to choose, submit an application, and we’ll help you decide how your goals and vision might fit better with one or the other.

Within the first three months of the process, it’s fairly simple to move from the Changemaker to the Thought Leader.

We’ll simply prorate the Thought Leader investment based on the parts of the process you’ve already completed. The unused portion of your Changemaker package fee will be credited to your account. Before the transition, your managing editor will present a detailed Change Order and talk through the implications with you to make sure you’re 100% comfortable!

After the halfway point, a transition is more difficult and may not be possible.

As with all publishing ventures, that depends on you. If you don’t promote or market your book, you won’t sell many copies.

But several recent authors have recouped their full investment within just one year. We can’t promise these results, but if you’re willing to get out there and promote your book (we can tell you how!), the sky is truly the limit.

You will. Always.

We never hold rights to your intellectual property. That includes your book, your story, and your ideas.

If you decide to publish with Page & Podium, we will need nonexclusive distribution rights so we can legally make your book available in digital and brick-and-mortar bookstores. But “nonexclusive” means that you hold distribution rights, too—we’ll never ask you to give up any rights to your work.

Yes. We take 20% of your book’s net sales to cover processing. This typically works out to less than a dollar per copy. If you’d like us to facilitate bulk sales for you, the commission is 50% on net sales.

As soon as you’re sure you want to work with us! Most clients start their projects 6-8 weeks after signing their contracts and paying their deposits, but during busier times of year, the wait may be longer.

Remember that it will take 6-10 months before you’re ready to begin the publishing process, so the sooner you can begin, the sooner you’ll hold that book in your hands!

Complete an application, and we’ll be happy to help you figure out logistics.

Yes. If you’d like us to work under NDA, please add an additional 20% to your package total.

Nope. We won’t allow writers’ names to appear on the cover or title page of any book, although you are welcome to thank your writer and/or editor in your acknowledgements. We also love it when you tell your friends about us! We just don’t want any formal publishing credit—the story and ideas are yours after all!

In most cases, we encourage you to wait to choose your publishing path. That way, we have a better sense of your book and can direct you to the best options based on your goals and manuscript. About halfway through your project, we’ll prompt you to consider publishing options and walk you through your choices.

We won’t let that happen.

First of all, we only take on clients whose books we believe in. We regularly turn away potential authors if we see signs that their story isn’t quite ready to be told.

Second, we’ll help you shape your idea from the very beginning of the project. We like to think of it as finding the intersection of your vision and market demand.

We will make absolutely certain your concept is marketable and that you love your book!

Yes. However, we are not a brokerage, meaning we don’t ask writers to bid on your project (many ghostwriting agencies do this, and we’re not fans!).

We have a trusted stable of writers we’ve worked with in the past—all of whom hold advanced certifications in professional writing—and we will match you with the best fit for your project. Additionally, since we take a team approach to writing, every chapter you see will have been edited by at least one other person—sometimes two—by the time it reaches you.

Absolutely not.

We see the value in AI for many things, but the US copyright office has made it clear that AI-generated work cannot be copyrighted. Amazon has indicated some hesitation about AI-written books as well.

But the bottom line, for us, is that AI is not yet able to capture the powerful, visceral emotions of our most human experiences. Since we write books about leaders’ personal stories, AI isn’t an option for us.

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