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Build Your Own Brand
It’s difficult to pitch a brand that you haven’t quite defined for yourself. You need to have a solid idea of what you do, why you do what you do, and how your company accomplishes those goals every

How to Launch and Grow a Fulfilling Speaking Career with Jeremy Clark
Jeremy Clark agreed to speak with me about how his book launched his speaking career, and his advice was so strong and clear that I wanted to share the entire interview with you.

3 Expert Tips to Help New Speakers Connect with Their Audiences
How do you create an unshakable bond with an audience in the short time you’re on stage? We asked three experts to weigh in. What they shared will help ensure that your speech keeps your goal—to help others—front

Experts Share the Building Blocks of a Successful Speaking Career
We spoke with over a dozen professional speakers to find the best tips for launching a speaking career. These experts have spoken on stages across the country and worldwide, and they often command audiences in the thousands.

Why Personal Branding is Important for Entrepreneurs
In the age of the internet—and information literacy—consumers have more access to the business sector than ever before. With one quick username or google search, users can view more than what businesses have curated for them in the

How Does Ghostwriting Work?
Maybe you want to share your life story or some hard-won wisdom. Or perhaps you want to elevate your professional status or share your perspective on helping others. But you’re not a writer. You don’t know anything about