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The Psychological Reason You Memoir is Stuck
There is a vicious cycle which memoirists can get stuck in as they try in earnest to get going on their memoir. It’s not that they can’t write. Writers may have whole bodies of short or medium form work, blogs,

Do you have enough material to write a book?
One nagging question aspiring writers have can often hold them back from starting–do I even have enough material to write a book? Is this idea big enough? Do I have enough stories to tell or points to make? It’s not

How to Write in Dark Times
These days every time we spend a minute or two scrolling your phone or check the news on TV, we’re bombarded with dark turns and bad news. Worries and questions about what we can and should do seem to permeate

How to choose your publishing path
Publishing, which is a slow-moving industry and didn’t change significantly for most of the twentieth century, is now evolving faster. Having more options for publishing path, though, hasn’t made the process any less murky. In the video and blog below,

How to Choose a Word Count Goal for Your Book
The development stage of writing a book can be daunting. You have all these ideas, many of them still murky and inchoate, and you’re working towards giving them shape. There are so many unknowns, so it’s hard to know what

How to Write About Love (Without the Sap)
Our hearts are bursting! Our lashes are fluttering! Butterflies in our stomachs! Love is in the air…and so are a lot of clichés and sappy, chocolate-covered metaphors. When we write about love, we risk enducing eye-rolls from our readers with