We talk to a lot of aspiring authors, and nearly all of them have one thing in common–they’re not sure their story is worth telling.
But most people don’t come out and say that. Instead, they say,
“Will my family be angry if I write about them?”
“I know there are a lot of trauma memoirs out there…”
“Is it even possible for this book to be a bestseller?”
“Do you think I should even bother with this book?”
“Sometimes I think this book would be worth it if it helped just one person, but sometimes…I don’t know.”
We’re here to tell you that, yes, your story matters. Yes, your story could help someone. Yes, you deserve to record your legacy.
Even if it’s not a bestseller. Even if it doesn’t sell a million copies. And, yes, even if it makes some people uncomfortable.
Our authors tell us again and again how healing the ghostwriting process was–how it helped them uncover new perspectives and find the words for feelings they’d been holding inside for years.
Every story is different. You might not need a book to honor your experiences.
But if you do, we understand. And we’re here to help.