Category: Writing and Editing

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How To Write a Family Memoir

Working through the stories of a family inevitably brings everyone closer together. Memories long forgotten are stirred up, and favorite recollections are shared over laughter and cups of coffee. I always feel so grateful to be a part

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Writing a Book vs. Writing a Blog

While blogs and books both provide excellent communication channels, the status boost of publishing a book is massive. Look at the top figures in any industry—most have published books. Most fields require a book. If you, need to

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How To Write a Book That Gets Published

Navigating publishing agencies can be a tricky and time-consuming process. Plus, sometimes even great books are overlooked either due to oversaturation or because the approving editor just didn’t agree on the book’s merits.

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Can I Just Start Writing a Book?

Writing is creative and expressive, and one really great way to start brainstorming what you want to say and what your book will look like is to start putting words to paper. You can write out thoughts, ideas,

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New Year, Same Writer’s Block?

I don’t know about you, but for me, 2023 came absolutely roaring in! With so much going on, I almost missed the slew of emails, social media posts, and corporate ads pushing me to improve myself.

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Writing is a Profession

If you needed help to rewire an outlet, would you be frustrated? What if you tried to make Gordon Ramsey’s famous wellington with no prior cooking experience? Would you be surprised that you struggled? Do you believe you

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