Category: Publishing

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Can You Make Money From a Memoir?

Books are a business venture—a micro-business. It needs a good amount of time and financial investment to get started. You are going to have to work at it. But that investment will return in the form of income

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How Much Do Self-Published Authors Make?

If you’ve ever considered writing a book, you’ve undoubtedly questioned how you would publish it. Authors very frequently put the cart before the horse—and for good reason. There are a lot of differences between traditional publishing and self-publishing.

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How To Write a Book That Gets Published

Navigating publishing agencies can be a tricky and time-consuming process. Plus, sometimes even great books are overlooked either due to oversaturation or because the approving editor just didn’t agree on the book’s merits.

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Dealing with Self-Doubt After Writing

Everyone feels that tightening pressure in their gut before putting themselves out there through their writing. My classmates confessed to the same feelings as they shared their work with the class. It’s universal for all kinds of creatives,

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What is an Editorial Board Meeting?

After signing the contract, I diligently completed my editor’s suggested revisions. I’d already written a letter to the editorial board detailing the changes I planned to make, and they’d reacted with support. I was in the clear! All

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