Author Pages on Amazon: Headshots and Bios—How to Successfully Craft Your Author Page

Did you know that Amazon is one of the BIGGEST markets for selling books?

Amazon offers hundreds of varieties of different books—in nearly every genre you can think of—that are available in many different forms (ebooks, audio books, hardcover, paperback, etc.).

The thing that makes Amazon so special when it comes to the author/publishing industry is that they include more than just the product itself being sold; Amazon includes bios and other work from the authors, available for anyone to view.

An author bio is an essential part of any author’s marketing strategy. Aside from the cover, it’s the first thing readers look at when considering whether to buy your book.

As Amazon is one of the biggest marketplaces for books, your author bio on your Amazon Author Page can make a huge difference in the number of books you sell!

In this blog post, we’ll be going over the basics of an Amazon Author Page, how to set one up, how to write an author bio, and the elements included in one.

What is an Author Page on Amazon?

Amazon’s author pages are profiles dedicated to specific authors. These authors can showcase their books and share information about themselves with readers through their author pages.

 In a way, it’s sort of like a virtual business card!

Think about it this way: the purpose of a business card is to essentially “sell” yourself. You’re marketing yourself and your work to possible customers and/or clients. That’s basically what an Amazon author page is doing!

On Amazon author pages, you can include a photo of yourself, a bio, a list of your books, and any other relevant information that readers might find interesting. Not only is this page a place for you to market your books, but it’s also an opportunity for you to build relationships and connections with your readers.

Some other pros and features of Amazon’s Author Pages are that it can provide readers with information about upcoming releases, speaking engagements, and events–all of which work to your benefit! (It’s so amazing!)

This is why it’s essential to have an Author Page, and more importantly, a good Author Bio.

Setting up Your Author Central Account

Before you can set up your Amazon Author Page, you’ll need to create an Author Central Account. In order to do this, you have to have at least one of your books for sale on Amazon.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “why would anyone need help making an account for something?”

We get it.

But there are a few steps and important factors when it comes to creating your very own Author Central Account. The creation and look of your account are the most important factors because this is where your readers will form their first impression of you.

To set up your Author Central Account, you’ll want to head to here:

From there, you can simply sign in with your Amazon account (if you don’t have one, it only takes a few minutes to make one!)

After signing in, you’ll accept the terms & conditions and from there, you’ll be able to start filling out your details/information. Once this is done, you simply need to look up and select one of your books on Amazon.

“When considering what elements go into creating a solid author bio, you first need to think about what’s going to make you stand out.”

The great thing about having an Amazon Author Central Account is that you’ll be able to track things like your book sales, what’s doing the best, and where.

Before you can start creating your author page though, you have to wait until you receive a email from Amazon confirming your account.

Setting up Your Author Page

Your Headshot

First things first—like with any profile—the thing that viewers notice first is your profile picture or headshot.

When considering your headshot, you want to keep it classy but not boring.

And with all headshots, you want it to look professional. A clean, high-quality photo is what you want. No one wants a grainy pixelated photo to represent their brand!

There are 2 rules of thumb when it comes to getting a good headshot:

  1. You want to keep your poses on the neutral side. What we mean by this is don’t get super crazy. You can be creative, but trust us, something like the superman pose is not the best choice!

  1. You want to be looking at the camera (eye contact is key when it comes to a good headshot).

From there, you’re at liberty to get as creative as you want!

Your Bio

This will be the next most important thing a viewer will see.

An author’s bio is the foundation for the success of their books and key to any author looking to get their work out there. It’s as much for you as it is for your readers.

But how do you know what to include in your bio and why is it so important?

Why is a Good Author Bio Important on Amazon?

Bios are a crucial element that tell the reader who the author is, what their background is, and what they do/write. A well-crafted bio can help to draw readers in and form connections with the author and their story(s), while a poorly written one can discourage readers from buying their books altogether.

A good author bio is especially important for new or self-published authors.

It’s a great way to establish credibility and let potential readers know that you have something valuable to offer. It can also help build trust by showing a more personal and vulnerable side of you. People love knowing about someone’s background, especially if they’re going to be absorbed in a lot of that individual’s work!

Additionally, an author bio helps you to stand out among the millions of other authors and books on Amazon. A well-written and engaging author bio can help set you apart from others and hook readers into exploring more of your work.

Overall, a good author bio is essential for success on Amazon. It’s a chance to connect with your readers and showcase your strengths as an author, as well as some information about you. Take careful time to craft an intriguing and informative bio for yourself, and you’ll be on your way to building up a loyal reader base.

Elements of a Good Author Bio:

When considering what elements go into creating a solid author bio, you first need to think about what’s going to make you stand out.

What makes you different from the thousands of other authors on Amazon? Why should someone want your book? Just who are you?

While this is extremely important, it’s not the ONLY part you need to consider. You also want to think about your image. In a perfect world, you want your author page to encapsulate your brand/image in a way that makes you seem relatable but different. People want relatability because it makes them feel seen and understood—but at the same time, people crave something new and exciting.

So, how can you incorporate these ideas into your bio? Well, let’s start at the beginning. What are the core elements of a good author bio?

  1. Personal Background:

    Your readers want to know about the person behind the book. Including personal details–such as where you grew up, your hobbies and interests, your family, or even your pets–can help readers feel a sense of connection and familiarity with you and your work.

  2. Professional Experience:

    If you’ve had previous writing experience or credentials, it’s important to note them. This could be previous books you’ve written, projects you’ve done, noteable companies you’ve worked for, etc. Including your professional experience can help to establish your credibility and give readers confidence in your abilities as an author.

  3. Genre or Niche:

    If you write within a specific genre or niche, it’s important to highlight this in your author bio. Highlighting your genre or niche helps readers understand the type of work you produce and whether or not it aligns with their interests–which may turn some people away–but this also works extremely well in your favor, as people seeking specific genres or topics are able to easily find your work.

  4. Writing Inspiration:

    You should Include some information about what inspires you to write. This gives readers a deeper insight into your creative process and can help them connect with your work on a more personal level. People are interested in how ideas come about, so by including some of your inspiration, readers are more likely to take interest in how you write.

  5. Book Titles:

    It’s important to include the titles of your published works in your author bio. This not only allows readers to easily find your other books, but also shows that you have a track record of producing quality work.

  6. Social Media Links:

    Providing links to your social media profiles or website can help readers connect with you outside of your books. This can lead to a stronger relationship between author and reader, which can ultimately lead to more book sales.

Overall, a good author bio should be engaging, informative, and reflect your personal brand as an author. By including the above elements, you can create a bio that not only resonates with readers but also showcases your talent and expertise in your genre. Being relatable but different might seem like a difficult balance to achieve, but it’s possible.

One way to do this is by infusing your personal brand into your author bio. This could mean showcasing your unique sense of humor, incorporating personal anecdotes, or highlighting your passions. These details can help readers relate to you on a personal level while also setting you apart from other authors in your genre.

Another way to achieve this balance is by considering your target audience. Who are you writing for? What do they care about? By understanding your readers’ interests and preferences, you can tailor your author bio to speak directly to them. This can help create a sense of familiarity and relatability while still allowing you to stand out as a unique voice in your genre.

What’s the Takeaway Here?

Your headshot and biography are essential to furthering your career as an author and marketing your book(s).

A good headshot should be creative while maintaining an air of professionalism, while a good author bio should be a reflection of your personal brand and should speak directly to your target audience.

By showcasing your unique perspective and highlighting your personal and professional achievements, you can craft a bio and headshot that not only resonate with readers but also help sell your books!

These factors are essential for your future career as an author because they build credibility and trust. They help your readers to understand who you are and what you’re about. People want to know who created the book and why (it’s human nature to be curious)! Not only are they good for helping you gain the trust of your readers, but they also help to set you apart from other authors. You want to be known for your own unique work, and crafting a good author page is one of the essential steps!

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Picture of Amanda Edgar

Amanda Edgar

Dr. Amanda Nell Edgar is an award-winning author, ghostwriter, and book coach and the founder of Page & Podium Press. Co-author of the forthcoming Summer of 2020: George Floyd and the Resurgence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, Amanda has authored two nationally award-winning books and ghostwritten many more.

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